When your account balance is insufficient, you won't be able to upload files for generating transcripts. In such cases, you can refer to this page to subscribe the Personal Subscription Plan (V-Pool), or can choose to get more V-points, and then re-upload your files for generating transcripts, translation, and AI Power Analysis.
For more information on the Subscription Plan (V-Pool) and Usage-based (V-points), you can refer to Plan & Pricing.
Subscribe to the Personal Subscription Plan
- Click on "Pricing Plans" on the left upper side.
- Select "Subscription Plan", and your preferred plan.
- Verify your purchase information and order amount, and then click "Next" to proceed with the payment.
- Enter your credit card information.
- Click the "Pay" button.
Switch the Personal Subscription Plan
- Click on "Pricing Plans" on the left upper side.
- Select "Subscription Plan", and the plan you would like to switch.
If you choose to increase V-Pool size and storage space, your new plan will take effect immediately. The V-Pool size will be increased proportionally based on the remaining days, adding the V-Pool size difference between the new and old plans. The storage space will be updated to the capacity of the upgraded plan.
- If you choose to decrease V-Pool size and storage capacity, your new plan will take effect starting from the next reset period. Please note that if you are using more storage capacity than your new plan allows, you won't be able to upload new files. You can choose to delete Files or opt for a higher storage capacity subscription plan.
📌You can refer to the following examples to gain a better understanding how V-Pool and storage capacity will update. Example 1: User A subscribed to the Starter plan on 1/10 and upgraded to the Worker plan on 1/25. User A had a V-Pool balance of 50 V-Pool before upgrading.
Example 2: User A subscribed to the Worker plan on 10/19, switched to the Starter plan on 10/25, and had 50 V-pool at the time of the change.
Cancel Personal Subscription Plan
- Click on "Settings" in the upper right corner of the account icon.
- Click "Cancel Subscription" in the "Billing Information" section.
- The system will stop billing starting from the next billing cycle.